Sunday, January 8, 2012

Housing Assignments!!

We got our housing assignments yesterday from Linda, our trip director, and I was able to get a glimpse of the outside of the building and part of the town through google maps! It's so beautiful even though I can only see the street views! There's this one building at the end of our streets that is overgrown with green, red, and purple vines.  I'll probably end up virtually walking around the whole town by the end of the week.  My roommate, Charlotte, and I were getting excited last night about being motivated to go running while we're there.  I definitely wouldn't mind a morning run with this view!

In other news, I ordered both of my required textbooks and hopefully those will get here a.s.a.p. so I won't have to worry about them.  Unfortunately, I still need to worry about if I'll get an eye appointment and updated prescription before I leave in EIGHTEEN DAYS.  This week's activities will consist of making an appointment, gathering supplies, figuring out what I still need to get, practicing packing the duffle/suitcase, and squeezing in hangout out time with family and friends that are leaving at the end of this week to go back to school. Am I a nerd for making list after detailed list? Oh well.

Oh yeah! We got home tonight and found out that we have no heat in our house...some might be disappointed about that, but I choose to think of it as prep for Italy, considering the fact that in the town of Certaldo it's against regulation to have their central air go above 70 degrees. Look at that optimism :)

If you want a view of Certaldo (hopefully this works) here's a link to the google maps address! Search around, I just discovered the hillside!,11.118778&sspn=0.215846,0.235519&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Via+Boccaccio,+28,+50052+Certaldo+Firenze,+Toscana&ll=43.548877,11.043808&spn=0.013499,0.01472&z=15

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